Interviews by Noah Woodford
Photos by Topher Newett
Featuring Ryan Butter, Anders Chapman, Huck Macmenamin
Favorite skier:
Anders: Torm
Ryan: Jake Carney, Silver Voll, Ian King
Hugh: Kai Mahler
Favorite trick?
Anders: Probably a carving cork 9 blunt, on rails, a blind to blind.
Ryan: Switch dub 10 and backslide back 2
Hugh: Rails probably a blind to blind, jumps definitely cork 9 blunt.
Dream sponsor?
Anders: Honestly, probably Armada, it sounds basic that they have like, everything. They probably have the best riders and the coolest gear.
Ryan: Stance Socks
Hugh: Red Bull for sure, just the opportunities you get are super cool. It would just be cool to say, "I'm on Red Bull.”
What's it like skiing with Wyeast?
Anders: Skiing with Wyeast is super cool. We get to ski five days a week, have great coaches, and a nice big team. We travel a lot during the winter so we're not here (Mt Hood) too much. It's super fun to ski with all your friends, especially Hugh and Butters, who I've been living with for four years.
Ryan: It’s pretty electric, when all the boys are going crazy it just gets you more hyped up. Made my best friends there and lifelong connections. It’s helped my skiing progress so much. Toph and breeze are the goats.
Hugh: It’s the best, you meet some really cool people and it pushes you to be better
Goat Wyeast Alumni?
Anders: Konnor Ralph
Ryan: Jed Blue Waters
Hugh: Reece Rule
What are your goals with skiing?
Anders: My goals are skiing as of now is to make the U.S. team and try to go pro. Later on, I’d like to be in the ski industry, be a rep for a company or something like that
Ryan: Get in the streets, film, make homies, keep repping sick companies.
Hugh: I want to win the Olympics. It’s the most coveted event in skiing and to be a skier from the midwest and win gold would be pretty cool
Favorite Park Edit?
Anders: I really like Toma.
Ryan: On3p 3
Hugh: Penken State of Mond
Thoughts on comp skiing?
Anders: I think it's good. It really pushes you to learn stuff that you wouldn't really necessarily want to learn. I don't like spinning right but comp skiing makes me. It's unfortunate that you kind of have to do it if you want to make it in skiing. Every big name was doing comps at some point.
Ryan: So good for your skiing. Insane amount of respect for comp skiers. I think comps are sick but not where I see myself in the future. Not my cup of tea.
Hugh: I really like comp skiing because it helps develop a strong mindset for skiing and really helped me learn to grow and adapt throughout various other aspects of life.
Pow trip in Japan, what four people are bringing with you?
Anders: Sammy Carlson, number one and then Hugh, Butters, and Raf. Sammy can be our guide.
Ryan: Anders, Raf, Hugh, Fern Flair
Hugh: My dad, my brother, my sister, and Sammy Carlson
One trend you like and one trend you don't like in skiing?
Anders: One trend I don't like is being forced to use poles in comp skiing.One trend I do like is less tech rail tracks and more, high speed, I just like getting more creative, like wallies and stuff like that.
Ryan: I like People being different/skiing different. Finding your own unique style and being creative with it. I don’t like cool guys. Don’t be a cool guy. Introduce yourself, meet new people. Always good to have those connections in the future and have dogs wherever you go. We all out here doing the same shit.
Hugh: I like people using poles. I feel like it’s a trend for people to be toxic, I hate people being toxic.
Best instagram edit ever?
Anders: The first one that comes to mind is probably the Matej Stubi jump edit because those are some of the most fucked tricks.
Ryan: Syrja’s park city edit
Hugh: Torm has an Oslo park edit that I love.
Favorite Wyeast trip?
Anders: Probably Austria. We went for two weeks and got to ski at Hintertux. The whole European vibe is super sick. I would love to go there more.
Ryan: My favorite trip has been Austria for sure. Hit up banger park and skied hintertux for a few weeks. Such a sick vibe over there. Met a bunch of sick people.
Hugh: We went to Stubia for a europa cup. The slope got canceled so it was just big air. It was a small trip and just super chill
Best cork seven blunt:
Anders: Joonas Kangas
Ryan: Krypto Skier
Hugh: Matt Heffernan